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Who Is Responsible for Faulty Home Equipment?

July 17, 2024

Many people are harmed every year by faulty home equipment. When you buy a home, you expect all of the equipment in your home to function as intended. You expect your home’s systems to work properly, and you expect your kitchen appliances, yard tools, and other equipment to continue to operate long after the warranty expires. 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. 

Despite the reasonable expectations we have as homeowners and consumers, faulty home equipment is a common—and often dangerous—issue. If you are dealing with injuries caused by faulty home equipment, who is responsible? In most cases, there are three primary possibilities.

Companies that Can Be Held Liable for Faulty Home Equipment 

Determining who (or what company) is responsible for faulty home equipment starts with understanding why the fault happened. Was the equipment faulty when it left the factory? Or, did it fail due to improper installation? Depending on the answers to these questions, the companies that may be responsible include: 

1. The Home Equipment Manufacturer

Home equipment manufacturers can be held liable for selling defective products. Appliances, yard tools, air conditioners, electrical system components, and other types of home equipment can be deemed defective if:

  • They are improperly designed so that they are unsafe for their intended use;
  • Issues during the manufacturing process made them unsafe for their intended use; or, 
  • The manufacturer failed to include appropriate warnings on their labels, manuals, or packaging. 

Defective product cases are governed by Illinois’s product liability laws. These laws hold manufacturers “strictly liable” for selling dangerous products—which means that proof of negligence is not required. In some cases, homeowners may have warranty claims and other types of claims as well. When you hire a lawyer to help you assert your legal rights, your lawyer will evaluate your options and pursue all viable claims on your behalf. 

2. The Retailer that Sold You the Home Equipment 

Illinois’s product liability laws also hold retailers responsible for selling defective products. Under the law, any company involved in the chain of distribution can be held liable for selling a defective product. This means that home improvement stores, appliance stores, online retailers, and other businesses can all be held liable in appropriate cases. 

3. A Contractor that Installed the Home Equipment Improperly

Sometimes, home equipment can have issues not because it is defective, but rather because it has been installed improperly. This is a common issue with home appliances (such as ovens, dishwashers, and clothes dryers) as well as HVAC and electrical systems. 

If you (or a member of your family) was injured by improperly installed home equipment, the contractor that installed the equipment may be liable. Contractors have a legal duty to perform competent work; and, when they fail to meet this duty, they can—and should—be held accountable. 

Filing a Claim for Faulty Home Equipment in Illinois 

With these options in mind, what should you do if you think you may have a claim for faulty home equipment in Illinois? As with any type of personal injury claim, there are some important steps you should take as soon as possible. These include:

  • Keep as Much Evidence as Possible – Holding any company responsible for faulty home equipment requires evidence of the fault and its consequences. Be sure to keep the equipment (even if it is severely damaged), take plenty of photos, and write down as many pertinent details as you can remember. 
  • Get Appropriate Medical Care – Filing a claim for faulty home equipment also requires proof that your (or your family member’s) injuries resulted from the fault. This means that you should get appropriate care as soon after the incident as possible—and you should be sure to tell the doctor exactly what happened. 
  • Talk to a Lawyer About Your Legal Rights – To file a successful claim for faulty home equipment, you will need an experienced lawyer on your side. Once you hire a lawyer to represent you, your lawyer will be able to conduct an investigation to determine exactly why the incident happened, gather the evidence needed to prove your legal rights, and then fight to recover just compensation on your behalf. 

Talk to a Chicago Product Liability Lawyer for Free

If you need to know more about filing a claim for injuries caused by faulty home equipment in Illinois, we encourage you to contact us promptly. Our firm has helped the wrongfully injured in Chicago for years. We are committed to helping our clients recover the maximum compensation for their losses due to faulty home equipment.

Don’t face your injuries alone. We’re here to help. Contact the Chicago product liability lawyers at Coplan + Crane today online or at 708-358-8080 to schedule a FREE case evaluation. We welcome clients from across Illinois, including Chicago, Oak Park, Rockford, and other areas. We handle home faulty equipment cases on a contingency basis, which means if we don’t win, you don’t pay.